Veterans in Congress
Since this list is a year old not all listed may still be in office.
This list was updated 02 JAN 09, by Richard Aragon.
NOTE: The information presented here was obtained through numerous sources including attempts at direct contact when required. In some instances, no response was received and some of the data from conflicting sources has not been verified due to lack of response. Please forward all corrections either directly to Richard Aragon or to John Paul Rossie for updating this file.
Veterans in the United States House of Representatives
"#" in front of the name indicates a combat veteran.
* Todd Akin (R-02 Missouri)
U.S. Army
* #Joe Baca (D-43 CA)
U.S. Army 1966-1968
* Spencer Bachus (R-06 AL)
National Guard 1969-1971
* James Barrett (R-03 S.C.)
Army 1983-1987
* Sanford D. Bishop (D-02 GA)
U.S. Army 1971
* John Boccieri (D-16 OH)
* John Boehner (R-08 OH)
U.S. Navy 1968
* #Leonard L. Boswell (D-03 IA)
U.S. Army 1956-1976
* #Allen Boyd, Jr. (D-02 FL)
U.S. Army 1969-1971
* Paul Broun (R-10 GA)
USMC Reserves 1964 -67
US Navy Reserved 1967 - 72
National Guard 1972 - 73
* Henry Brown (R-1 SC)
National Guard 1953-1962
* Vern Buchanan (R-13 FL)
Air National Guard 1970-1976
* Dan Burton (R-05 IN)
U.S. Army 1956-1957
Army Reserves 1957-1962
* G.K. Butterfield (D-1 NC)
Army Reserves 1957-1962
Army 1968-1970
* Stephen E. Buyer (R-04 IN)
U.S. Army 1984-1987, 1990
Army Reserve 1980-1984, 1987-Present
* Christopher Carney (D-10PA)
Naval Reserves 1995 - Present
* Howard Coble (R-06 NC)
Coast Guard 1952-1956, 1977-1978
Coast Guard Reserve 1960-1981
* Mike Coffman (R-06 CO)
* Mike Conway (R-11 TX)
U.S. Army 1970-1972
* John Conyers (D-14 MI)
National Guard 1948-1950
U.S. Army 1950-1954
Army Reserve 1954-1957
* Geoff Davis (R-04 KY)
U.S. Army 1980 -1987
* Nathan Deal (R-09 GA)
U.S. Army 1966-1968
* Peter A. DeFazio (D-04 OR)
U.S. Air Force 1967-1971
* William D. Delahunt (D-10 MA)
Coast Guard Reserve 1963-1971
* John D. Dingell (D-16 MI)
U.S. Army 1945-1946
* John F. Duncan, Jr. (R-02 TN)
Army Reserve 1970-1987
* Bob Etheridge (D-02 NC)
U.S. Army 1965-1967
* John Fleming (R-04 LA)
* #Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (R-11 NJ)
U.S. Army 1969-1971
* Louie Gohmert (R-01 TX)
U.S. Army 1977-1982
* Charles A. Gonzales (D-20 TX)
National Guard 1969-1975
* Virgil H. Goode, Jr. (R-05 VA)
National Guard 1969-1975
* Bart Gordon (D-6 TN)
US Army Reserve 1971-72
* Brett Guthrie (R-02 KY)
* Phil Hare (D-17IL)
Army Reserves 1969-1975
* Ralph M. Hall (R-04 TX)
U.S. Navy 1942-1945
* Doc Hastings (R-04 WA)
Army Reserves 1964-1969
* Maurice Hinchey (D-22 NY)
U.S. Navy 1956-59
* #Duncan Hunter (R-52 CA)
U.S. Army 1969-1971
* Darrell Issa (R-49 CA)
Army 1970-1972, 1976-1980
* #Sam Johnson (R-03 TX)
U.S. Air Force 1951-1979 (POW)
* Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R-03 NC)
National Guard 1967-1971
* Paul E. Kanjorski (D-11 PA)
U.S. Army 1960-1961
* Peter King (R-03 NY)
National Guard 1968-1973
* •# Mark Kirk (R-10 IL)
Navy Reserve 1989-present
* #John Kline (R-02 MN)
USMC 1969-1994
* John Linder (R-7 GA)
US Air Force 1967-69
* Edward J. Markey (D-07 MA)
Army Reserves 1968-1973
* #James Marshall (D-08 GA)
U.S. Army 1968-1970
* Jim McDermott (D-07 WA)
U.S. Navy 1968-1970
* Eric Massa (D-29 NY)
US Navy 1981-2001
* Gary Miller (R-42 CA)
Army 1967-1968
* Alan Mollohan (D-01 WV)
U.S. Army 1970
Army Reserves 1970-1983
* Dennis Moore (D-03 KS)
U.S. Army 1970
Army Reserves 1970-1972
* Patrick Murphy (D-08PA)
Army 1999-2004
* #John Murtha (D-12 PA)
U.S. Marines 1952-1955, 1966-1967
Marines Reserve 1967-1990
* Pete Olson (R-22 TX)
US Navy 1988-1998
* Soloman P. Ortiz (D-27 TX)
U.S. Army 1960-1962
* William Pascrell, Jr. (D-08 NJ)
U.S. Army 1961
Army Reserves 1962-1967
* Ron Paul (R-14 TX)
U.S. Air Force 1963-1965
National Guard 1965-1968
* Gary Peters (D-09 MI)
US Navy 1993-2000 USNR 2001-2005
* Collin C. Peterson (D-07 MN)
National Guard 1963-1969
* #Joseph R. Pitts (R-16 PA)
U.S. Air Force 1963-1969
* Ted Poe (R-2 TX)
Air Force Reserve 1970-1976
* Jim Ramstad (R-03 MN)
Army Reserves 1968-1974
* #Charles B. Rangel (D-15 NY)
U.S. Army 1948-1952
* #Silvestre Reyes (D-16 TX)
U.S. Army 1966-1968
* Harold Rogers (R-05 KY)
National Guard 1957-1964
* Mike Rogers (R-8 MI)
US Army 1985-89
* Phip Roe (R-01 TN)
US Army 1973-1974
* Tom Rooney (R-16 FL)
* Bobby Rush (D-01 IL)
U.S. Army 1963-1968
* John Salazar (D-03 CO)
U.S. Army 1973-1976
* Robert C. Scott (D-03 VA)
Army Reserves 1970-1974
National Guard 1974-1976
* Jose E. Serrano (D-16 NY)
U.S. Army 1964-1966
* Joe Sestak(D-07PA)
U.S. Navy [Admiral] 1970-2006
* John Shadegg (R-03AZ)
National Guard 1969-1975
* John Shimkus (R-19 IL)
U.S. Army 1980-1984
Army Reserves 1987-Present
* #Vic Snyder (D-02 AR)
U.S. Marines 1967-1969
* John M. Spratt, Jr. (D-05 SC)
U.S. Army 1969-1971
* Fortney P. Stark (D-13 CA)
U.S. Air Force 1955-1957
* Cliff Stearns (R-06 FL)
U.S. Air Force 1963-1967
* John S. Tanner (D-08 TN)
U.S. Navy 1968-1972
National Guard 1974-Present
* Gene Taylor (D-04 MS)
Coast Guard Reserve 1971-1984
* #Mike Thompson (D-01 CA)
U.S. Army 1969-1972
* Edolphus Towns (D-10 NY)
U.S. Army 1956-1958
* Tim Walz (D-01MI)
National Guard 1981-2005
* Ed Whitfield (R-01 KY)
Army Reserve 1967-1970
* Joe Wilson (R-2 SC)
National Guard 1972-2003
* Frank R. Wolf (R-10 VA)
U.S. Army 1962-1963
Army Reserves 1963-1967
* C.W. Bill Young (R-10 FL)
National Guard 1948-1957
* Don Young (R-All AK)
U.S. Army 1955-1957
Most of these are Cold War Veterans, remind them of that fact when asking them to
cosponsor H.R. 4051 and H.RES.900. They should be supporting their fellow veterans
and get a medal also.
Jerald Terwilliger
National Chairman
American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
"We Remember"
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