Tuesday, July 12, 2011

VA Health Care For Women Veterans

On July 7 the Department of Veterans Affairs announced that is has started a massive program
to reach out to Women Veterans.

The VA wants input from Women Veterans on how to improve healthcare services that are provided
to Women Veterans

Members of the VA's Health Resource Center (HRC) will be calling Women Veterans nationwide, asking
for their experiences with the VA; and asking for suggestions that will enhance and further the VA's
mission to provide the best care anywhere.

The VA notes that Women Veterans are the largest and growing the fastest portions of the veteran
population. There are approximately 22.7 million living veterans and women comprise more than
1.8 million of that total. They account for almost 8 percent of the total veteran population, and
6 percent of the total of all veterans currently using VA healthcare treatments.

It is estimated that by 2020 women veterans will make up 10 percent of the veteran population and
9.5 percent of those who use the VA facilities.

The HRC started making calls on June 1 to women who have enrolled, but are not yet using VA
services. The HRC also is informing Women Veterans of services the VA offers, and if the veteran
is interested in using VA health services connects the veteran with the proper department. If a veteran
has any complaints about VA healthcare they are connected with a patient advocate to help solve
the problem.

The VA includes specialists in all aspects of women's health, including general primary care,
heart disease, mental health care, menopausal services, and osteoporosis problems. The VA also
has excellent screenings for breast and cervical cancer.

Recently the Women Veterans Health Care program instituted changes to upgrade and improve
what care is offered to women. Instituting new programs to improve access and enrich services
for Women Veterans. Also instituting comprehensive primary care for Women Veterans, new
research on the effect of military service has on women's lives.

In addition new programs to improve communication and outreach to Women Veterans and providing
mental health, homelessness information and new programs to meet the needs of Women Veterans.

For more information on Women Veterans health care please go to the VA website
Veterans Affairs, Womens Health Care

Jerald Terwilliger
National Chairman
American Cold War Veterans
"We Remember"

---------------- "And so the greatest of American triumphs... became a peculiarly joyless victory. We had won the Cold War, but there would be no parades." -- Robert M. Gates, 1996

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