Texas State Representative Sarah Davis has introduced a bill H.B. 402 that would authorize a
Cold War Medal to be awarded to a member of the Texas National Guard or the Texas State Guard
who served between Sept. 2, 1945 and Dec. 26, 1991.
The Cold War Medal is to be awarded only if a fee in the amount necessary to cover the costs of awarding the medal is paid to the adjutant general's department.
In other words the veteran would have to buy their own medal. This is something that the American
Cold War Veterans have been saying in regards to a national/federal issued medal, most of us
would be willing to pay the cost of our own medals. Just give us the authorization and necessary
information and certification.
Anyone who lives in Texas please contact your local state representative asking them to cosponsor
H.B. 402 and vote for passage. You might also contact your local state senator asking them to introduce
a similar bill in the senate.
Perhaps one state at a time will provide the impetus for Congress and DoD to finally provide a federal/national Cold War Service Medal.
Louisiana and Alaska have already authorized the Cold War Medal or Ribbon, now if Texas joins them
it just might start the ball rolling. We know that in the past New Jersey has looked at a medal, and the
New York legislature approved a Cold War Service Medal that was vetoed by the governor.
This could be the start, get each state to issue a Cold War Medal and lead on to the federal medal.
Jerald Terwilliger
Former Chairman
American Cold War Veterans
"We Remember"
"And so the greatest of American triumphs... became a peculiarly joyless victory. We had won the Cold War, but there would be no parades."
-- Robert M. Gates, 1996