On June 5, 2014 Congressman Steve Israel of New York introduced a bill to authorize the Cold War
Service Medal. It if H.R. 4807 The Cold War Service Medal Act of 2014.
We all know how important this is to our Cold Warriors, as our numbers are declining due to age.
The Cold War ended 23 years ago, and we are still waiting and petitioning Congress and DoD to
authorize and issue the Cold War Service Medal.
Please contact your Representative ask them to cosponsor H.R. 4807. You can go to their website
and leave an email, get their phone number and call their office, write a regular mail letter (be advised
it may take two weeks to get delivered), ask for a visit at either their Washington office or the local office in your area.
You can also go to POPVOX here https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/113/hr4807
You wil have to create an account if you do not already have one. Then you can post your comments
and it will be sent directly to your Representative.
Then contact both of your Senators ask them to introduce legislation similar to H.R. 4807.
We need a big push from everyone to get this accomplished. I have been told in the past that there
was not enough support from veterans in the past and is a possible reason the previous bills never
got through the Armed Services Committee in both the Senate and House.
Lets make this the year this medal finally becomes a reality, and all our brave men and women
finally get the recognition we have been seeking for so many years.
America: It Is Time To Say Thank You to our veterans.
Jerald Terwilliger
American Cold War Veterans
"We Remember"
"And so the greatest of American triumphs... became a peculiarly joyless victory. We had won the Cold War, but there would be no parades."
-- Robert M. Gates, 1996